Murrel Fur

Thanks to a local, amateur Murrel hunter, we have obtained a believed Murrel fur sample. It is being sent off for testing. More to come on this exciting development.

Murrel Scat

Murrel scat test results are in! Our own Henry “Hank” Wong recently submitted the preliminary results of his Murrel scat analysis. A more comprehensive list will be made available soon, as Henry is preparing for our international presentation of the Murrel skull, pending Dr. Daniels’ recovery.

Test Results Are In

Test results now confirm that we have the 1st known skull of “Ratufa Murrelae“. Discovered by our own Samantha Irwin, this is a game changer for our cause. More to come on this amazing find.

Mad River Union Article

Unwilling to wait for an ailing Dr. Daniels to conduct an interview, the Mad River Union decided to join the chorus of mockery and ridicule with an article clearly written for their own amusement. The author certainly did his job as a journalist and responded with the proper skepticism, given the nature of the subject