Dr. James Daniels is an American scientist and currently serves as the director of SaveTheMurrel.org. Dr. Daniels holds Ph.D.s in Evolutionary Biology and Anthropology as well as a Master’s Degree in Animal Anatomy. He spent most of his career working as a consultant and a researcher for 2 undisclosed government agencies and came out of retirement in 2015 at the behest of an old friend in academia to lend his expertise to the research of “The Redwood Man Squirrel”, a.k.a. “The Murrel”.
After conducting numerous field expeditions and interviewing eyewitnesses from Northern California to Canada, he has compiled a body of forensic evidence and has spearheaded the effort to document, publicize and protect what he believes to be the rarest, uncatalogued Mammal on Earth. Risking public ridicule and professional expatriation, he is resolved to seeing this creature recognized by science and protected by law. Dr. Daniels can be reached at jamesdaniels@savethemurrel.org