The history of the Humboldt State University Lumberjack dates back to the late 1950’s, when the “Lucky Logger” was first introduced. While it may have been acceptable then to have an offensive stereotype for a mascot (think “Washington Redskins”), times have changed and it’s beyond time that we change with them.
In 2017 there was a half-hearted movement to change the HUS Lumberjacks to something else, people even suggesting that it be change to the HSU Snowflakes (a name conservatives use to describe liberals), as Arcata tends to be a progressive community. People are (subtly) pushing for change; referring to the Lumberjacks as “The Jacks” ring a bell?
The idea of changing the HSU Lumberjack to something more acceptable has been around for a while, and it’s time we did something about it. We need to show the world that we are not stuck in the past, we are a forward thinking community that will not stand for an offensive stereotype to represent us! What better mascot could be suggested than “Merl The Murrel”. It represents the best of what Arcata, and Humboldt County, is.
Show your support for changing the “Lumberjack” to “Merl The Murrel” by signing the petition; help make a difference and end offensive caricatures from an outdated time.